select projects

atlanta streetcar coalition

To address concerns over mobility requirements to accommodate 250 million square feet of new development within the 11-mile Peachtree Street corridor between Buckhead and the West End, Sorin Garber led a technical team in reviewing transit technology options for the Atlanta Streetcar Coalition.
The team reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of expansion of standard bus services and MARTA, BRT, LRT and streetcar systems. Settling on streetcar service, Mr. Garber’s team identified a routing and service plan with maintenance facilities, substations, park-and-ride facilities, and station sites.
The routings were based on real estate development potential, ridership demand, physical and operational impediments, and cost. Based on the report findings, the City of Atlanta introduced streetcar service in the downtown segment of the longer route recommended by Mr. Garber’s team.

florida department of transportation &
broward county transit

To seek a future New Starts grant, Sorin Garber led a team through a traditional FTA Alternatives Analysis. The study involved a full purpose and need, three stage alternatives analysis, and the development of a 15% design and financial plan for the LPA.
The team recommended near term improvements including a revised schedule, added service, bus stop upgrades, transit signal priority and queue bus jumps, and a longer-term Business Access and Transit Lane concept for the entire length of the corridor with bus islands at numerous locations. The MPO endorsed the recommendations and advanced them into PE.
The 13.6‐mile‐long Oakland Park Boulevard stretches from the ocean in Fort Lauderdale to the Sawgrass Expressway in Sunrise, FL. passing through six cities altogether, accommodating central business districts and other important community destinations. One single fixed bus route (#72) provides all day 15-minute service in both directions and serves as many as 9,000 passengers/day (with a projected increase of 43% by the year 2035); most of whom are transit dependent.
It is the busiest and most productive transit corridor in Broward County, but it suffers from chronic corridor congestion and only a 51% schedule adherence. After determining that there were no feasibility roadway expansion alternatives available, local leaders sought a major transit service improvement.