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SGA is a recognized expert in the preparation of multimodal freight system/corridor plans, freight feasibility studies, and associated benefit/cost analyses.

SGA works with private industry and the public sector to develop system investments that improve the flow of goods from origin to destination within urban areas and between terminals and the intercity systems. Our freight planning work includes the development of short- and long-term multimodal freight investment plans, intermodal operation feasibility studies, creation of freight mobility programs, facilitating public/private advisory committees, and representing freight stakeholders on business and trade panels.


Sorin Garber has been appointed to multiple freight mobility/transportation industry task forces charged with advising governing bodies in infrastructure investments and other priorities related to the traded sector economy. He has performed freight planning services for the Washington State Legislature, the Oregon Legislature, Port of Portland, Port of Miami, Port Everglades, Portland Metro, Broward MPO, BNSF RR, City of Portland, Chicago Metropolis, Brooklyn EDC, and the states of Oregon, Washington, and Florida.


He is a member of the Portland Freight Committee, the Regional (Portland) Business Plan – Freight Mobility, and the TRB Inland Waterways Committee.

  • What’s Keeping Motor Carriers from Purchasing Non-Diesel-Powered Trucks or Using Renewable Diesel? www.sga.pdx January 2022

  • Are Home Deliveries Increasing during the Pandemic? Quarterly Updates 1 -  8, January 2020-December 2021 3/8/2022

  • A Sustainable Freight Strategy for the City of Portland, N.J. Transactions Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, April 2012


  • Economic and Transportation Impacts Associated with Breaching Snake River Dams, TRB Ports, Waterways Freight and International Trade Conference, Norfolk, Va, July 2000

PROJECTSfreight planning 
  • E-Commerce and Emerging Logistics Technology Research Report, Portland Bureau of Transportation

  • Transportation and Economic Effects of Breaching Snake River Dams, Washington State Legislature, Port of Portland, Oregon depts. of Agriculture and Economic Development

  • Sustainable Freight Strategy for the City of Portland, Portland Bureau of Transportation

  • Portland Freight Mobility Plan, Portland Bureau of Transportation

  • Portland Regional Freight and Goods Movement Plan, Metro (Portland MPO)

  • Transportation Futures Project: Moving the West’s Economy, Western Governors Association and FHWA

  • Oregon Weight-Mile Tax Study, Oregon Legislative Revenue Office

  • Port of Portland Rail Master Plan, Port of Portland

  • Benefits and Costs of Freight Mobility Improvements on OR 140, Oregon DOT

  • Toledo-Sweet Home Rail/Intermodal Terminal Feasibility Study, Cascades West COG

  • Columbia River Crossing EIS-Freight Element, Oregon and Washington DOTs

  • I-5 Rail Capacity Study, Oregon and Washington DOTs

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