SGA supports the development of transportation system public policy, new agency programs, and programming of transportation project investments.
SGA uses the business plan model to craft and refine planning processes for each stage of transportation systems — from directing system and corridor plans, conducting stakeholder outreach, overseeing operational and impact analyses, engineering and environmental studies — toward funding and construction.
Sorin Garber has been appointed to multiple local, regional, state and national task forces and advisory committees charged with advising governing bodies about infrastructure investments and other priorities. He works directly with legislative bodies and agency leadership to ensure investments adequately address policy, permit and budget requirements.
PROJECTS | policy & programming
Pacific Northwest High Speed Rail Corridor CIP/ Business Strategy/EA, Oregon DOT
Oregon Statewide Public Transportation Plan and Management System, Oregon DOT
Hawaii Public Transportation and Management System, Hawaii DOT
Orlando Area Transit Program Management, METROPLANOrlando
Multimodal Program Tradeoff Analysis Methodology, Washington State DOT
Big Look Task Force, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
ConnectOregon, Oregon DOT