SGA brings three decades of experience analyzing urban passenger transportation systems throughout the United States.
SGA services include:
system, network and corridor multimodal plans and analyses;
transit operations and investment plans;
pedestrian circulation and urban design studies;
transit amenities/station design;
transportation demand management (TDM) programs;
environmental assessments;
and economic and financial analyses.
SGA's plans are collaborations between multiple agencies, community groups, users, businesses, advocacy organizations, and provide a direct link to agency investment programs.

Member, TRB Transportation/Eco Dev Committee
TRB Inland Waterways Committee
Member, Women’s Transportation Seminar
Founder, WalkBoston

NE 13th Street Complete Streets Project, SE Regional Climate Leadership Summit, Key West, FL 12/2015
Course Corrections in State Growth Management – It’s Already Underway in Oregon, Great Northwest Planners Conference, Tacoma, WA, 10/2007
State of the Art in Statewide Transportation Forecasting, ITE Meeting, Seattle, WA, 4/ 2002
Economic and Transportation Impacts Associated with Breaching Snake River Dams, TRB Ports, Waterways Freight and Int’l Trade Conference, Norfolk, Va, 7/2000
Portland Transit Preferential Streets Program, ITE District 6 Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 7/1997
PROJECTS | multimodal & Corridor

I-5/JBLM Alternatives Analysis and IJR, Washington State DOT
Legacy Highway EIS – High Transit Investment Alternative, Utah DOT
St Johns Truck Strategy: Neighborhood Traffic Calming, Portland Bur of Transportation
Chestnut Street Multimodal Study, Philadelphia Planning Department
Cross-Cascades Corridor Study, Washington State DOT
Oregon Transportation Plan, Oregon DOT
Central City Transportation Management Plan Update, Portland Planning Bureau
Pedestrian Access to Transit Facilities Project, Portland Bureau of Transportation
Private-for-Hire Transportation Demand Forecast, Portland Revenue Bureau