Oregon Department of Transportation – SW Oregon Freight Study, Connect Oregon, OR 140 B/C Study
Oregon Legislative Revenue Office — Oregon Weight Mile Tax Study
Portland METRO — Regional Freight and Goods Movement Plan
Port of Portland — ATC ConnectOregon Grant Application, T4/T5 2024 Annual Report, Port of Portland Rail Master Plan Update, Transportation and Economic Effects of Breaching Snake River Dams
Portland Bureau of Transportation — 2040 Portland Freight, Freight Master Plan, Sustainable Freight Strategy, St. Johns Truck Strategy: Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project, Designing for Truck Movements and Other Large Vehicles
Washington State Department of Transportation — Columbia River Crossing EIS
WA State Legislative Transportation Committee — Transportation and Economic Effects of Breaching Snake River Dams, Eastern Washington Freight Mobility Study, Port of Benton/State of Washington Hanford Investment Study
Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization — 2040 Southeast Florida Regional Freight Plan


Oregon Department of Transportation – Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor EA, CIP, I-5 Rail Capacity Study
TriMet — Cost Effectiveness of Permanent Bus Park-and-Ride Facilities, Central City Transit Plan, Bus Stop & Passenger Amenities Standards/Portland Mall Document
Portland Bureau of Transportation — Transit Preferential Streets Project, Portland Downtown LRT Tunnel Evaluation Study. Pedestrian Access to Transit Facilities Project
Washington State Department of Transportation — North Sound Commuter Rail Feasibility Study, Pedestrian Safety Project in Pacific-Auburn, WA, Amtrak Cascades Corridor Plan for Washington State
Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation — Washington County Commuter Rail Feasibility Study
Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council — Vancouver-Portland Commuter Rail Feasibility Study
Florida Department of Transportation — Oakland Park Boulevard Alternatives Analysis
New York City Department of Transportation — Freeway Reversible and HOV Lane Projects, Exclusive and Priority Surface Transit Treatments
Atlanta Streetcar Committee — Peachtree Street Streetcar Feasibility Study
Miami City Manager — Miami Streetcar Feasibility Study
Miami Beach City Manager — Evaluation of Rapid Transit Options
Sonoma-Marin Transit — FTA New Starts Application

Portland Bureau of Transportation — Central City Transportation Management Plan
Portland State University — Portland Transportation Recovery Plan
Portland Revenue Bureau — Portland Private-for-Hire Transportation Demand Forecast
Washington State Department of Transportation — I-5/JBLM Alternatives Analysis and IJR, 522 Toll Road Transportation and Economic Impacts Study, SR-405 HOV, Statewide Transportation Forecast Model
Fort Lauderdale Transportation and Mobility Section — Lake Ridge Neighborhood Transportation Master Plan, NE 13th Street Complete Streets, Downtown Walkability Project

Oregon Department of Transportation — Oregon Statewide Transportation Plan, Oregon Public Transportation Plan and Management System, Oregon Freight Plan, Oregon Highway Plan
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development — Big Look Task Force
Washington State Department of Transportation — Multimodal Tradeoff Methodology
Hawaii Department of Transportation — Hawaii Statewide Public Transportation Plan and Management System
Chicago Metropolis — Illinois Transportation in the 21st Century
Western Governors’ Association — Transportation Futures Project: Moving the West’s Economy